Friday, August 24, 2012

Tool 7

a.  In new school year, I would like to use Skype to connect my biology lesson with students.  "Content objective will be "Functions of Cell Organelles". 

b.  September; begin introduce cell organelles and their functions and give the assignment after the lecture and lab.

c. Long class period for Skype interview - 20 minutes for basic list of questions, 20 minutes for description of a real project, 20 minutes for additional questions from either side, etc.

d. Organelles that can be found both plants and animals or only animals or only plants (Choose any one).  Give description of the organelles.  Mention the function of organelles.  It would be beneficial to each student, and then talk to college students (freshman, soph., junior, senior) the structure and functions of their project by students.

e.)  Hardware available for this year is not yet settled. (Library, in class, lab, etc., classroom computers)

Tool 6


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tool 11

1. What are your favorite tools you now have in your personal technology toolbox? Briefly describe a particular activity that you will plan for your students using at least one of these new tools.

It is time for me to update the technology skill by learning 11 tools.

I think that the most useful and my favorite tool would be Google Docs.   I plan to use the Google Docs for data collection among all my classes.

I am aware of many more tools to use to reach the students needs. 

I am so excited to have learned these tools and looking forward to integrating with my Biology classes.  

Tool 10

Dual citizenship that means that in this digital world 

1. Students not only should be protected of using bad filtered content or wrong websites that can endanger not only a student's education and career but also others.

2. I want my students to be aware of is the fact that whatever you post on the internet is there forever and for the entire world to see.  Social media has given everyone involved an air of vanity.

3. Students should not be allowed to bypass the systems meant to protect them from using bad content on Internet.

Share at least one of the resources mentioned above or on the Ed Tech website that you plan to use instructionally

I have been using 

1. Brain-pop that has good collection of fun games and worksheets. 

2. Another program that is meant for students and teachers of SBISD is I would like to introduce to my students this program as it is informative and safe to use.

Explain briefly how you would "teach" the idea of digital citizenship to your students.

Digital citizenship should be covered first with the district and school code of conduct, but then touched on again prior to digital assignments.

Explain briefly how you plan to share the idea of digital citizenship with your parents

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tool 9

1. Why do you think it is important to tie the technology to the objective?  Students are growing up in the world of technology. They should be provided variety of resources to be self sufficient.

2.Why should we hold students accountable for the stations/centers? 

Students are, ultimately, accountable for their own education. That is important to teach students how to learn than the value of any single fact or idea. It is also important to show students how to value their resources - their planet, their water, their homes, their possessions, their tools. 

 3.  Visit 2 of the applicable links to interactive websites for your content/grade level. Which sites did you like?  How could you use them as stations? How can you hold the students accountable for their time in these stations?

I  really like Learning Games for Kids.   The virtual dissections are a much cheaper option and a good alternative for students .   
I plan on using my iPads & Netbooks for data collection, having students create video tutorials, making timelines, doing research and creating presentations.  

Science360 (various videos and articles relating to science)

4. What do you see that station looking like? How can you hold the students accountable for their time in these stations?
I see my students using iPADs to take pictures and videos of their work, look up needed reference info as and when needed. They are looking at Google Maps satellite images with wikipedia references on an accompanying netbook, researching projects.

5. What about other ways to use the iPod Touch/iPad? Share another way you can see your students using the device as a station.

Tool 8

After watching the video;

1. I learned about iPod and iPad are WiFi enabled portable media players. But they do not have the same storage capabilities as a computer. Both require synchronization through iTunes with a Mac or Windows computer via a USB port.

2. Educators have seen the power of these tools and educators around the country are setting up the devices up to be shared between students and use these devices for learning beyond apps.

My plan to manage the devices in my classroom; 

1. Create general technology guidelines for use and consequences for improper use/care together with students and hold them accountable

2. It will come up with rules and procedures for working with technology together (partnering/table teams)

3. Create a group of experts that can help trouble shoot problems.

Tool 5

That is really cool. Exactly what I want to create. 

Mr. Snedden said, 

Practice will be required to make this routine.  If you only use something twice a year, you forget all the tips and tricks.  I imagine that as SBISD distributes more and more docs this way the process will become second nature.

I agree with Mr. Snedden.

Tool 4

I am going to use Google Apps in my classes to share ideas, to get collaboration, to contact with my students and fellow teachers outside the classroom and campus at anytime.  It also be used as feedback.

Tool 3

Kids love to watch video.  Most of the time, students ask me "Are we going to watch video/movie?"  Is is science video?  Showing the video is one of the good strategies to introduce the lesson.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Tool 2

By using 11 tools, I can communicate with other educators anytime and I can help students better than I used to.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tool 1

Mr. Freeman (i Coach at NHS) helped me to make my 11 tools blog.  That is new experience and I enjoy it.  I am excited to use it.